Sanctuary state traitors in Colorado freed illegal alien accused of attempted murder.

Those goddamn traitors in Colorado are endangering the entire country. Execute the traitors who value illegal criminal invaders over American citizens. What kind of scum does this! Ponderous.

Osmani Garces-Ortiz, a Cuban illegal vermin was released by Arapahoe County, Colorado traitors despite an ICE detainer on the prick. The attempted murder happened after he was released! It wouldn’t have happened if he was turned over to ICE!!! Ponderous.

The head traitor responsible for this is Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D). This douche should be rounded up by the feds, tried for sedition, and executed in public as an example to all the foreign invader collaborators.

The Bronx (NY) Freedom Fund is bailing recidivist criminals out of jail to commit more crimes.

This has happened many times before when the Freedom Fund bailed out criminals who commit additional crimes. These traitors should hang for sedition.

Stay away from sanctuary state North Carolina.

The hellhole of North Carolina lets hundreds of dangerous illegal alien criminals back on the streets each year to commit more crimes.

Wake up America! North Carolina traitors don’t care about our country’s laws, so FUCK NORTH CAROLINA. Don’t spend money, time, or attention on North Carolina.

If you see illegal aliens in the US, report them to ICE. Let’s get this vermin out of America!

Fucking foreign cunt Ilhan Omar is a traitor infiltrator—she must be removed from the US.

Ilhan Omar is a muzzie infiltrator working as a foreign asset within the US government. Another example of American suicide.

Retarded idiot Joy Behar wants Dem presidential candidates to lie to voters about gun control.

Moron Joy Behar of The View shills for deep state establishment who wants to disarm the US in order to control it.

Maryland sanctuary county frees illegal alien pedophile.

An illegal alien charged with child sexual abuse was released into the United States by Montgomery County, Maryland officials — a sanctuary county that routinely shields criminal illegal aliens from deportation.

Clearly, citizens cannot trust the government to protect them, so it might be a good idea for someone to find Luis Fredy Hernandez-Morales and either kill him or chop his dick and balls off. Then deport his worthless corpse. #deportThemAll

And look at those scumbag traitors in Maryland. They don’t deserve to live in America. Who will hang those traitors?

Portland, Oregon is a fascist stronghold of antifa terrorists.

Portland, Oregon needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt as a modern American city. Right now, Portland is as fascist as they come.

The End Domestic Terrorism rally is supposed to go down in Portland today. We shall see…

AOC is an All Out Crazy liar and traitor inciting violent terrorism against America.

Alexandria Cortez, currently US Rep. for NY, former bartender who won a casting call for the job, and puppet of Saikat Chakrabarty and the Justice Democrats, is a Trojan Horse Terrorist operating in broad daylight, with impunity, in our government.

A 6/17/19 lie from AOC about ICE operating “concentration camps” on our southern border, has incited violence against the US government, leading to the death of one crazy leftist citizen.

Just two weeks later, on or about 6/24/19, year-old pictures of AOC were released, purporting to be of her at an ICE facility crying for the families. It turned out to be a hoax, as the photos were of her crying to an empty parking lot. But the damage was done, as fake news mainstream media whipped up the leftist retards into a frenzy over the treatment of foreigner criminals invading our southern border.

Then, on 7/13/19, a sissy antifa leftist shot up and firebombed an ICE facility in Wa., before he was summarily shot dead. The shooter used AOC’s rhetoric about ICE in his manifesto. This violence and death is thus proven to be directly resulting from AOC’s lies.

On 7/15/19, a Rebel Media reporter caught AOC on camera refusing to condemn the violence caused by her lies.

On or about 7/17/19, the AP published a report describing the ICE detention centers for women and children like “summer camps.” This is further evidence to expose AOC as intentionally false.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is an unskilled, corrupt, anti-American traitor of the highest order. Don’t let her complete stupidity and lack of any viable ideas fool you. She is a foul cancer in our midst. She must be exposed as the obvious slime that she is.

Don’t let this filth open the doors for more of her kind. Spread the word about this traitor because the lamestream media doesn’t give a shit about America. Wake up America, we are in a fight against the fascist left. They will not win!!!

Chicago mayor commits official misconduct and treason against the US to protect criminal alien scum in her city.

Where is law enforcement in this clear matter of official misconduct?

Scumbag traitor Lori Lightfoot bars ICE from police databases. Arrest this dangerous cunt and convict her swiftly.