Ilhan Omar is a muzzie infiltrator working as a foreign asset within the US government. Another example of American suicide.
Category: US Representatives
American suicide up as muslims take over from within.
Who will stop the madness? 26 muzzies won election nationwide this year. This is the suicide of America.
AOC is an All Out Crazy liar and traitor inciting violent terrorism against America.
Alexandria Cortez, currently US Rep. for NY, former bartender who won a casting call for the job, and puppet of Saikat Chakrabarty and the Justice Democrats, is a Trojan Horse Terrorist operating in broad daylight, with impunity, in our government.
A 6/17/19 lie from AOC about ICE operating “concentration camps” on our southern border, has incited violence against the US government, leading to the death of one crazy leftist citizen.
Just two weeks later, on or about 6/24/19, year-old pictures of AOC were released, purporting to be of her at an ICE facility crying for the families. It turned out to be a hoax, as the photos were of her crying to an empty parking lot. But the damage was done, as fake news mainstream media whipped up the leftist retards into a frenzy over the treatment of foreigner criminals invading our southern border.
Then, on 7/13/19, a sissy antifa leftist shot up and firebombed an ICE facility in Wa., before he was summarily shot dead. The shooter used AOC’s rhetoric about ICE in his manifesto. This violence and death is thus proven to be directly resulting from AOC’s lies.
On 7/15/19, a Rebel Media reporter caught AOC on camera refusing to condemn the violence caused by her lies.
On or about 7/17/19, the AP published a report describing the ICE detention centers for women and children like “summer camps.” This is further evidence to expose AOC as intentionally false.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is an unskilled, corrupt, anti-American traitor of the highest order. Don’t let her complete stupidity and lack of any viable ideas fool you. She is a foul cancer in our midst. She must be exposed as the obvious slime that she is.
Don’t let this filth open the doors for more of her kind. Spread the word about this traitor because the lamestream media doesn’t give a shit about America. Wake up America, we are in a fight against the fascist left. They will not win!!!
Ilhan Omar, anti-American Muslim Traitor and US Representative for Minnesota.
While not the most important Trojan horse Terrorist (ThT) in operation today, Ilhan Omar is by far the most egregious example. This naturalized citizen from Somalia, Africa, is a prime example of why foreigners should never be allowed to participate in US government, especially as lawmakers.
ThT Omar subscribes to the despicable islam religion, which is wholly incompatible with American tradition and culture. As a muslim, Omar doesn’t want to assimilate, she wants to conquer. That’s why the rise of islam in America is so dangerous. It’s mass political and cultural suicide.
As a Democrat, US Representative from Minnesota Omar joins her fellow Demonrats in hating America, selling out to globalists, and destroying the US from the inside like a festering cancer.
Ilhan Omar ThT Index: 5