Maryland sanctuary counties to free accused illegal alien child rapists, murderers, child abusers

Maryland sanctuary counties (Prince George, Montgomery) are expected to release into the United States six illegal aliens accused of child rape, assault, murder, and child abuse, federal immigration officials say.

The dangerous, and free, criminal illegal aliens are:

  • Jaycob Kidlat;
  • Alpha Ibrahimbah Mansaray;
  • Luis Miguel Cabrera;
  • Jaun Rivas-Montano;
  • Manuel Carballos-Morales;
  • Mouhamadou Yatassaye.

Perhaps even more dangerous are the county officials in Maryland who favor child rapists, pedophiles, and murderers over the safety of the public they are supposed to represent. The people involved in the release of these criminal illegal aliens into our country are traitors. Execute the traitors!!!

Stay away from sanctuary state North Carolina.

The hellhole of North Carolina lets hundreds of dangerous illegal alien criminals back on the streets each year to commit more crimes.

Wake up America! North Carolina traitors don’t care about our country’s laws, so FUCK NORTH CAROLINA. Don’t spend money, time, or attention on North Carolina.

If you see illegal aliens in the US, report them to ICE. Let’s get this vermin out of America!

Retarded idiot Joy Behar wants Dem presidential candidates to lie to voters about gun control.

Moron Joy Behar of The View shills for deep state establishment who wants to disarm the US in order to control it.

Maryland sanctuary county frees illegal alien pedophile.

An illegal alien charged with child sexual abuse was released into the United States by Montgomery County, Maryland officials — a sanctuary county that routinely shields criminal illegal aliens from deportation.

Clearly, citizens cannot trust the government to protect them, so it might be a good idea for someone to find Luis Fredy Hernandez-Morales and either kill him or chop his dick and balls off. Then deport his worthless corpse. #deportThemAll

And look at those scumbag traitors in Maryland. They don’t deserve to live in America. Who will hang those traitors?

Project Veritas exposes Google execs admitting to 2020 election meddling.

Google is evil, criminal, and unAmerican. Execs at Google admit, on hidden camera, to election meddling in this Project Veritas whistleblower expose.

Don’t use Google or its products. Don’t go to liberal shithole sanctuary cities. Keep your money away from all that. This is a civil war against the technocratic elite and their liberal zombies. Strangle them financially, politically, and lawfully until they are rooted out and destroyed like the perfidious cancer they are.

Update 8/19/19:

Oregon sanctuary state traitors release dogfucker and murderer into community.

Fidel Lopez is a dogfucker and dog murderer. He is a dangerous, sick piece of shit, and a criminal illegal alien. He should be attacked and killed by an angry mob.

And those sick traitors in Oregon should be tried and sentenced to death for ignoring the ICE deportation request.

Fuck Oregon traitors. Fuck Fidel Lopez. His days are numbered.

U. of Minnesota offers scholarships for illegal aliens.

How about that shit? Fucking traitors in Minnesota, home of ThT Omar, and the terrorist recruitment capital of the US.

We got all kinds of needs for our own citizens and these traitors are throwing money at criminals in our midst. Fucking ponderous.

This treasonous activity is undermining Federal law and is endangering every one of our citizens. And it’s suicide taboot.