Maryland sanctuary counties to free accused illegal alien child rapists, murderers, child abusers

Maryland sanctuary counties (Prince George, Montgomery) are expected to release into the United States six illegal aliens accused of child rape, assault, murder, and child abuse, federal immigration officials say.

The dangerous, and free, criminal illegal aliens are:

  • Jaycob Kidlat;
  • Alpha Ibrahimbah Mansaray;
  • Luis Miguel Cabrera;
  • Jaun Rivas-Montano;
  • Manuel Carballos-Morales;
  • Mouhamadou Yatassaye.

Perhaps even more dangerous are the county officials in Maryland who favor child rapists, pedophiles, and murderers over the safety of the public they are supposed to represent. The people involved in the release of these criminal illegal aliens into our country are traitors. Execute the traitors!!!

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